The Whole Trip

The Whole Trip

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 12 - 15: East Texas Pine Country

A lot of people think of flat, open range land when they think of Texas. They don't realize that logging is also an important industry in certain parts of Texas! We rode through dense forests of Loblolly Pine and were passed (on narrow two-land roads with no shoulder!) by log truck after log truck headed East. Semi-loads of Plywood passed us, headed West. When we reached the plywood mill in Bon Weir it all made sense...
   Spring is arriving here in Texas. Most prominent of all roadside flowers are the Redbuds (which are actually purple!).
   Andy's memorable moment came at the American Legion in Burton, TX, where he happened upon a most exciting, traditional "chicken-fried steak" buffet-style lunch. We were also told by locals that we had to try "Blue Bell" ice cream while in Texas. We happily obliged.

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