The Whole Trip

The Whole Trip

Monday, January 31, 2011


Below is a complete list of the contents of my panniers - everything that I will need for the next two months!

On-bike clothing: bicycle helmet, running sneakers, cycling gloves and fleece gloves, 2 pairs of bike shorts, 1 pair of mesh shorts, 3 pairs of wool socks, running tights, 2 tee shirts, 1 wool long underwear-type shirt, fleece jacket, rain jacket and pants, waterproof shoe covers

Off-bike clothing: jeans, sandals, underwear, wool hat

Miscellaneous: toiletries (toothbrush and paste, chapstick, sunscreen, soap, deodorant, bag balm, comb, hair rubber bands), hand towel, pocket knife, 3 1-liter water bottles, first aid kit (band aides, gauze, medical tape, Ace bandage, gauze bandage, peroxide wipes, iodine tablets), 3 bandanas, sunglasses, headlamp, sewing kit, nylon cord, 2 bungie cords, camera, journal and colored pencils, book (currently The Catcher in the Rye), bike lock, wallet, small backpack, maps, 2 reflective armbands

Camping Equipment: 20-degree down sleeping bag, inflatable sleeping pad, 2-person tent, spoon, insulated mug, lidded bowl, alcohol stove (made from soda cans!),pot stand, isopropyl alcohol, lidded pot, lighter, stuff sack for food

Tools and Spare Parts: duct tape, hoseclamps, rearview mirror, flashing reflector/light, spare brake pads, spare derailleur and brake cables, chain lube and rag, extra nuts and bolts, wire, plastic zip ties, small adjustable wrench, small triangular file, bicycle multi-tool (containing allen wrenches, chain tool, spoke tool and screwdrivers), electrical tape, blue loctite, mini pump, spare tube, tire levers, tire patch kit

The Bike: Trek 620 touring bike, early 1980s vintage


Greetings,Madison Central School students and others interested in following my brother, Andy, and I on our tour from San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL. Tommorrow, February 1 at 6:35 a.m. (we hope!), we will leave cold, snowy Syracuse, NY for sunny southern California. Our bicycles have already arrived via UPS, and are awaiting us.